martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

Dear all,

Here is the list of students who should make their presentation on Monday 3:


and on Wednesday 5:

María José GH
María José A.

Tomorrow I will bring two articles which deal with the use of literature in the EFL class. I hope you find them useful.

Below you will find a link to the famous play "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Becket. We will read it and discuss it in class tomorrow.


domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

Dear all,

Tomorrow´s session will be devoted to discuss the poem by Auden that we started reading last class. I will also introduce you to Stephen Spender´s poetry.

The presentions will take place on the week of November 3, Monday and Wednesday, so you´ll have another week to prepare. The idea is that in about ten minutes you make a presentation based on one of the authors that we have studied this term. You may decide to choose one particular poem, chapter, book, article, etc.

Some recommendations:

1. Use pictures, quotations, references to other authors if necessary

2. Provide contextual factors

3. The presentation should be made having in mind how you would use literature in an English language class

4. Explain what strategies you would use to teach the piece of work you are presenting

I will upload the marking criteria and further recommendations on Tuesday.

Finally, I want to congratulate you all for the presentations on Virginia Woolf (some of you have already uploaded very interesting posts too!!). You should be very proud of yourselves. Just remember to correct the language when you upload the presentations to the virtual campus, ok?
Well done!!

See you tomorrow,