martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

Dear all,

Take a look at the following picture, then read the short story "The signal-man" provided in the following link


Compare this short story with the film "Oliver Twist".

See you in class,


lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

Dear all,
Today´s class was devoted to the analysis of Frankenstein, based on several articles that touch upon themes such as: Knowledge, the birth of a monster and man as a creator/God. Now, please post an entry on your interpretation of the novel and the article that you read.

Also, next session we will watch a film (probably only half of it due to time limitations) about the Victorian age (references to Charles Dickens will be made). The second half of the film will have to be watched on the following session. After watching it, you will be asked to write an essay (30% of the final mark) based on any of the following topics:

1. Romantic Poetry
2. Frankenstein
3. Charles Dickens and the Victorian Age

You will find the marking criteria and the instructions on how to write an academic essay in the following links. The essay should be between 700 and 1000 words long.

I´ll be looking forward to reading your essays!!
