jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

Dear all,

This term we have analysed, discussed and interpreted an array of literary pieces of work: poems, short stories, essays, novels, plays...from the early romantic British writers of the 1850s to the very existentialist play "Waiting for Godot" by Beckett.

To me, this has been a trip from the past to the present, and back to the past. Our memories and experiences have inhabited our conversations during the course. Trips and literature, I believe, are the greatest way to learn...to experience...to grow. No need to say that your interpretations and participation have been a great contribution to make this course a lively literary and teaching-learning experience.

Before finishing, please send a comment to evaluate the course (or else send me a message via webmail):

1. What aspects do you think were positive, negative?

2. How did the course help you relate literature with EFL teaching?

3. Was the use of blogs a contribution, why, why not?

4. What do you feel needs to be improved?

5. Other issues....

Bye bye, have a great summer, great trips, great dreams.....
