miércoles, 30 de julio de 2008

First class

Dear students,
Welcome to the course! This semester, we will study the most representative 19th and 20th century British writers, and their social and cultural context. One of the main aims of the course is to foster your critical thinking and autonomy in reading and reflecting upon the content and context of creation of these literary works of art. For the first class, please take a look at the following link http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~wldciv/world_civ_reader/world_civ_reader_2/coleridge.html. Read the poem by Coleridge, we will discuss it in the first class along with the course programme. Think of the context of the poem, when and why did Coleridge write it? What do you associate the poem with? Etc.

Also, you will be asked to create your own blog as a way to keep a log of what you do in this course. This will be done together in the first class so don't worry. Some of you may have created a blog for other courses already, or for personal reasons. Whatever is the case, this is going to be a shared blog so that we learn from one another. Therefore your blog will be linked to mine so that everybody in the class has access to everybody's blog. I hope you find this collaborative way of learning useful.
See you soon,