jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

Dear all,

This term we have analysed, discussed and interpreted an array of literary pieces of work: poems, short stories, essays, novels, plays...from the early romantic British writers of the 1850s to the very existentialist play "Waiting for Godot" by Beckett.

To me, this has been a trip from the past to the present, and back to the past. Our memories and experiences have inhabited our conversations during the course. Trips and literature, I believe, are the greatest way to learn...to experience...to grow. No need to say that your interpretations and participation have been a great contribution to make this course a lively literary and teaching-learning experience.

Before finishing, please send a comment to evaluate the course (or else send me a message via webmail):

1. What aspects do you think were positive, negative?

2. How did the course help you relate literature with EFL teaching?

3. Was the use of blogs a contribution, why, why not?

4. What do you feel needs to be improved?

5. Other issues....

Bye bye, have a great summer, great trips, great dreams.....


4 comentarios:

George dijo...

Hi Claudia:

This subject has been one of the best ones during my experience as an English student. Literature is something that helped me a lot to appreciate unique pieces of art. At the same time, I learnt how to analyze poetry in a deeper way. I realized that I have to read more and more to be a better teacher.

On the other hand, we needed more time to study Britishh Literature in a better way. Time was the main problem during this term. We could not analyze important authors carefully. At the same time, it would be very useful to use blogs to correct classmate`s blogs´, as a complementary learning process.

Finally, you were very patient, you were always giving us supporting tools and advices to improve our writing and thinking. In fact, I learnt how to reflect about literature in a better way.

Thanks for your time and help, I hope to have classes with you within a short time. See you soon, good luck.

Jorge Ramos A.

Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...

Hi Jorge,
Many thanks for your feedback. I couldn´t agree more in that time was too short and in-depth analysis was not possible. This should be considered in the future when writing the programme for this course.

In terms of language, yes, it would have been ideal to have more time to make everybody read each other´s entries more often and correct them. But again time was a problem.

There are many issues that should be borne in mind in the future. However, on a positive note, I appreciate your comment about the fact that you feel now that you are able to reflect about literature. This will impact your teaching if you really try and use literature in the EFL classroom. I think you have great capacities to do so.

Have a great summer, see you around next term.

George dijo...

Thanks Claudia, see you soon.


Clau dijo...

Hi Claudia:

I really enjoyed this subject together with American Literature because there is no better way to understand what is going on nowadays that reading what has happened in the past by hands of writers.

However, time has been a bad element in the develop of the course. We missed several classes, and because if our working experience I didn't have enough time to analyze and comprehend the text in a better way.

I really like how you organized writers and texts, that gave to the subject a sense of progress and it was helpful to understand the literature chain.

Please never chance, jajaja, really because you are always willing to help students...

Sorry for not writing you before , but I didn't have enough time to do it.
Now I'm in San Francisco, so I can be more "relax"

Take care and enjoy your holidays

Huge and love
