miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

Dear all,

First, apologies for not having been able to come today as I´m ill. I hope you were informed in due time. We will discuss possible dates for recuperation on Monday.

Monday´s class will be also devoted to discuss "The Odour of Chrysanthemums" whose link was provided in the previous post. Think of the many symbols present in the story. What do the Chrysanthemums represent? Think of the opposition between light and darkness, life and death, etc.

I will also introduce you to T.S. Eliot so check the blog again before Monday because I will upload a poem and some introductory facts about him. His most well known poems is "The waste land" written in 1922 if you wish to read it.

About your essays, I have finished correcting them. I will discuss the final mark with each of you individually on Monday. In general, I wish to congratulate you all for your interesting viewpoints and arguments. Well done!!

See you on Monday,

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