viernes, 15 de agosto de 2008

Dear all,

I´m happy to see that most of you have managed to create their blogs. Those of you who didn´t attend the session on Wednesday, please create your blog and send the link to me. As a reminder, please read the poem by Coleridge provided in the link You are also expected to read the article about Keats, google one of the poems mentioned in the article and be ready to discuss it on Monday. Remember to take a look a the characteristics of Romanticism. Which of the characteristics do you think are present in Coleridge´s and Keats's poems?
See you on Monday,

6 comentarios:

Maria Jose dijo...

This is my blog
Maria Jose Acevedo

Maria Jose dijo...

Miss my assigment is ready, you could see it in my blog.
it was very special this mind exercise.

Sebastopol dijo...

Thank you Claudia for the comment
see you on Monday

Bárbara Medina dijo...

Hi Claudia,
In this poem I found some characteristics of Romanticism like the idea of Liberty especially when men are able to be free in order to work and manipulate all natural resources.

Sergio dijo...

Hi Claudia,
Thanks for your comment. I totally agree with you when you say that the idea is to feel "touched" by the poem. If people didn't feel touched by different works of art, art would not have sense itself at all. With regards to the "simpleness" of Coleridge's poetry, like he says, I do think it's simple but only as long as you get into it. If you don't get into it, I'm afraid it's rather difficult to understand his poetry and poetry in general as well.

María José García-Huidobro dijo...

Thanks Claudia for your comment!!!I have enjoyed very much your classes.
Maria Jose